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Solid cone nozzle narrow Angle is 15 °

Solid cone nozzle narrow Angle is 15 -Shanghai Feizhuo Spray System Co.,Ltd

Application technology consultation:  Feizhuo@feizhuo.net
G15 removable cap and leaf 1/8 ", 1/2 "NPT or BSPT (F)
GG15 removable cap and leaf 1/8 ", 1/2 "NPT or BSPT (M)
H15 overall 3/4 "- 5" NPT or BSPT (F)
Narrow Angle is 15 ° nozzle design characteristics
Narrow Angle is 15 ° series solid cone nozzle can produce solid spray cone shape, is the feature of the injection area is circular.Narrow jet Angle of 30 ° series, nozzle are uniform distribution, spray with thicker grain, 15 ° series of nozzle, the impact of the per unit area is significantly higher than the same flow rate under the wide Angle of solid cone nozzle.
G with the GG type narrow Angle is 15 ° series solid cone nozzle has a removable cap and blade.
H type with HH narrow Angle is 15 ° series solid cone nozzle with removable blade.
1/8 of an inch - 1-1/4 inch size of the nozzle is made of bar, 1-1/2 inch and larger nozzle is cast.
Narrow Angle is 15 ° series solid cone nozzle is made of fine craft, has realized the accurate specifications, to ensure the best performance.The uniform spray distribution is derived from the unique, novel blade design, big flow channel and flow control characteristics.
The general application
Low turbulence on depth of penetration and/or injection to ensure thorough washing products for cleaning
Low to the superheated steam cooling
Low jet pipe inside of cooling or cleaning



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